Taller: “Los Observatorios, un instrumento de vigilancia de los derechos a la...
El Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales (CEPES), con el apoyo de la International Land Coalition (ILC) e Intermón-Oxfam, organizan el Taller: “Los Observatorios, un instrumento de vigilancia de los...
View ArticleTaller: “Los Observatorios, un instrumento de vigilancia de los derechos a la...
El Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales (CEPES), con el apoyo de la International Land Coalition (ILC) e Intermón-Oxfam, organizan el Taller: “Los Observatorios, un instrumento de vigilancia de los...
View ArticleLatinoamérica: la tierra bajo asedio
En esta edición de la Revista Agraria destacamos el artículo “Latinoamérica: la tierra bajo asedio” (página 12) que resume los aportes principales de los participantes a un taller que tuvo lugar en...
View ArticleUpdate 2010: Rural women’s access to land and property in selected countries
In 2004, FAO, IFAD, and the International Land Coalition (ILC) jointly published a report on progress towards the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW),...
View ArticleThe impact of the food price crisis on calorie consumption in Latin America
From 2006 to 2008, the world experienced a dramatic increase in global food prices which especially affected the poor, whose diets depend on staple commodities such as maize, rice, and wheat.read more
View ArticleDinámicas territoriales en Nicaragua: control de activos tangibles e...
[Desde el resumen] El control de activos condiciona la posibilidad de que las familias puedan lograr un desarrollo adecuado de sus capacidades, superar la situación de pobreza y dinamizar sus...
View ArticleGender and land compendium of country studies
Hunger and poverty are, in general, consequences of inadequate and restricted access to land and other resources, such as capital, inputs and technology; being women among those with less access to...
View ArticleNicaragua: Indigenous People Vow To Preserve Their Lands
The original names of the hills, trees, rivers, animals and Bosawas basins are preserved in the Mayangna language. This is proof that these [lands] have been inhabited and cared for by our ancestors,”...
View ArticleConflictos ambientales de la acuicultura del camarón en Centroamérica. Un...
“En los últimos años, se ha incrementado notablemente la producción camaronera en el Golfo de Fonseca (costa pacífica centroamericana que incluye zonas de Honduras, Nicaragua y El Salvador).read more
View ArticleBoletín Regional de Vigilancia de Derechos sobre la Tierra
“Este es el primer número del “Boletín Regional de Vigilancia de Derechos sobre la Tierra”. Participamos en su elaboración Acción Campesina de Venezuela, Cepes de Perú, Cinep de Colombia, Congcoop de...
View ArticleIn Nicaragua, rural women celebrate Rural Women's Day with a peasant fair in...
[From OXFAM - GROWCAMPAIGN] Maria Teresa Fernandez, leader of the Coordinator stated that International Day of Rural Women is the only day the world remembers the rural woman, though she brings to the...
View ArticleSegundo Boletín Regional de Vigilancia de Derechos sobre la Tierra
“En este número del “Boletín Regional de Vigilancia de Derechos sobre la Tierra” resalta, una vez más, el creciente interés de gobiernos, organizaciones rurales, comunidades indígenas e inversionistas...
View ArticleIFPRI and Central American Integration System (SG-SICA) Sign Cooperation...
Marking increased engagement in Central America, the International Food Policy Research Institute signed a Cooperation Framework Agreement with the Central American Integration System (SG-SICA) on...
Hoy alzamos nuestras voces unidas y fuertes, mujeres y hombres del Wangki para informarles que a pesar de nuestras luchas aumenta la inseguridad en nuestras comunidades, el trafico de nuestra niñez y...
View ArticleUN-REDD Examines Indigenous Land Rights and REDD+ in Mesoamerica
“The report draws on case studies from Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and Panama to demonstrate how land tenure rights are linked to incentive mechanisms for good forestry...
View ArticleViolence hits Nicaraguan rainforest as land invasions mount
“Leaders of Nicaragua’s indigenous Mayangna community are battling an invasion of land speculators and small farmers into the Biosawas Biosphere Reserve, the second largest rainforest in the Americas,...
View ArticleICSID and Latin America: Criticisms, withdrawals and regional alternatives
The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) between investors and states was established in 1965 with the adoption of the Washington Convention, establishing a specific...
View ArticleReclaiming the Worker’s Property - Coffee, Land Grabbing, and Farmworker...
“This paper explores a land grabbing resistance movement composed of unemployed coffee workers in Central Nicaragua. Between 1996 and 2000 a private agro-export conglomerate appropriated 60...
View ArticleIndigenous Peoples Vow to Map Customary Forests
Nababan added that the need to map these lands has become more urgent since the Constitutional Court’s decision in May, which determined that a line in the country’s 1999 Forestry Law — which stated...
View ArticleHow agribusiness is failing small farmers in Latin America
Indigenous farmer in the municipality of Sayaxché, department of Petén, Guatemala, viewing the stunted corn crop on his land bordering an oil palm plantation. - - -read more
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